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Develop Your Brand Story in 5 Simple Steps

Consider this: would you rather listen to a boring sales pitch or a riveting story? There’s no question about it, everyone loves to hear a good story. We tell them often, not only because they are enjoyable, but because stories are powerful. They have the ability to capture our attention in a way that other mediums cannot, and they leave us with lasting impressions – ones we remember long after the details fade. For this reason, the brand storytelling approach is a great way for business owners to tackle marketing to their audience. Rather than simply telling the consumer, “this business fits your needs”, having a solid brand message shows the consumer how the company’s values intersect with their own, grabs and holds attention, and can be implemented in countless ways. So how do you as a business owner develop your company’s brand story? Check out our 5 simple steps below:

1. Start with your own values.

You’ll need to first start with your own values – why did you start this company, or what is it that makes you love working there? Don’t be afraid to brainstorm. Get your brain waves flowing, so you can get a good list jotted down. Some questions to consider in this process:

  • What is the most important part of your work? Is it providing an excellent service? Caring for others?

  • What gets you out of bed every day?

  • What makes your company great, and what does your company as a whole value?


2. Understand your audience

Take some time to think about your target audience, who they are, and what they value most in the world. As you construct this list, consider:

  • How old is your audience?

  • What do they do for work? For fun?

  • What are their priorities in life?

  • What do they value and why?

3. Find the strongest common values

Now that you have your two lists, put them side by side and start looking for similarities. You want to find the strongest common values between the two lists, because these are what your stories and brand message should be based on. Once you find the core value that has great meaning for both you and your audience, you’re in business!

4. Build your brand message around those values

More than anything else, for a brand story to be effective in reaching your audience, it needs to be true! This may mean that you need to do some soul-searching, or make some changes in your company to align with the values of your consumer. This process is worth the effort in order to build your brand message around values that you and your audience share. Your brand message will be a priceless tool to help you tell stories that resonate with your customers, not only making your business more memorable, but also making your audience more likely to respond to your calls to action.

5. Use stories everywhere

Now that you’ve done the work to create a meaningful brand story, don’t be afraid to use it! There are a plethora of ways to do this. You can incorporate it in your website, business cards, taglines, the type of events you sponsor as a company, and of course, your videos and the stories you tell through them.

We hope we’ve convinced you that brand storytelling is not only achievable with some reflection and creativity, but also that it is incredibly effective! It’s time your small business got away from the empty sales pitch and moved towards something that will be memorable and relatable to your audience: a great story that shares your common values with the customer and makes them feel compelled to learn more.

Blueforest Studios is committed to helping your business tell their brand story in a meaningful way. Interested in learning more about Raleigh video production, and how we can help you develop and showcase your story? Check us out here to learn more!