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Blueforest Gives Back Applicant Spotlight: SAVE

Students Against Violence Everywhere, SAVE, strives to decrease the potential for violence in schools and communities and provide a safer environment for young people through the promotion of meaningful student involvement, education and service opportunities.

SAVE was started by a band of students who vowed to fight against violence after their fellow classmate was shot and killed while trying to break up a fight at a party. That was in 1989 and today, SAVE chapters serve youth in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and community organizations in 48 states.

The official colors of SAVE are orange and purple. Orange is used to commemorate Alex Orange, the victim who was killed, and purple represents the universal color for nonviolence and peace.

SAVE chapters are formed and operated by students, making it easier to spread their message of nonviolence to their peers and communities. These students are providing positive peer influences through participation in activities that focus on crime prevention, conflict management, and service projects.

What we love about SAVE is their dedication to make schools a safer and secure learning environment and how they do it with such a small staff. Young people have a significant role and a huge impact on what goes on in society, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, and using them to reinforce positivity in the community is essential to our future.

Check them out and learn more about their mission at