TROSA Wins 2020 Blueforest Gives Back Award

We loved creating this video for Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers, Inc. (TROSA)! TROSA is the 2020 winner of the Blueforest Gives Back $10k video award. Blueforest Gives Back is an annual giving program where we create a free promotional video for a deserving Triangle non-profit.

TROSA is a non-profit multi-year residential program that empowers individuals with substance use disorders to recover and productively re-enter society. The TROSA video was a 6-month labor of love for Blueforest. The video follows the personal story of Curtis, a TROSA program participant, and culminates with Curtis’s ultimate graduation from TROSA.

Kristin Pearson, Director Of Development and Communications at TROSA, says “we were beyond pleased with the quality of the video. So much of Curtis’s life was shared, and Blueforest distilled those moments so well. On behalf of TROSA, I’d like to thank Blueforest for their time, talents, and genuine interest in our mission. The entire team was amazing to work with.”

At heart, Blueforest is about storytelling, and TROSA has some of the most powerful, uplifting stories in our community. Our goal for this video was to make their mission personal, and really connect the viewer to their message. We want to help TROSA grow.

A note from Curtis: Curtis hopes the video will inspire others to seek help, as he did: “When first asked about participating in this video I was extremely nervous about it. I put aside my fears about doing the video in hopes that it would be able to inspire, and help people that are stuck in addiction or dealing with different kinds of abuse in their lives. People need to know that there is a way out, and that they don’t have to live in active addiction for their entire life. That the damage that’s been done to them emotionally or physically because of abuse doesn’t have to hold them back, or keep them in their addiction. We can heal, and achieve the things we have always dreamed, if we just believe in ourselves.”

To learn more about TROSA, visit


Let’s Talk Animation


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