5 Secrets to Effective Brand Storytelling
SHHHHHH! Turn your volume down. We’re about to let you in on the five top secrets for awesome brand storytelling.
The day has come. This is the last piece to our storytelling puzzle. Before we part ways and roll the credits on our series, we want to let all of you in on the five secrets to set your brand story apart from the rest. If you haven’t seen the rest of the series, check out our previous, some might say magical, installments.
Secret 1: Understand the Core of Storytelling
To tell a great story, first you have to understand what makes a great story. Do your research, know your stuff. Watch films or read books, find what captures your attention and why. Learn how to properly create a structure for your story. Luckily, Blueforest studios already has set you up with a few resources to get the ball rolling.
Secret 2: Find Your Own Story First
If you’re going to tell your brand story, you have to find your own story first. What do you value? What led you to this point? What are you trying to say? Write the answers to these question down and start to create a roadmap. We discussed this process a little further in our 5 Simple Storytelling Steps blog post. Making your brand story personal to you, is the best way to ensure it’s unique.
Secret 3: Get to the “Why”
Let’s be real, people don’t really remember or care about what you do, or how you do it until they learn the why. If you cut through the what and how and jump straight to the why you will engage people a lot faster. The “What” is something every company in the world knows about themselves, some dig a little deeper and know “How” they do what they do. But very few people take the time to connect with the “Why”. Simon Sinek explains this in greater depth with his Ted Talk called “Start with Why”.
Secret 4: Keep Asking Why
That’s right, “Why” is so important it takes up two whole secrets. You’ll find most of the time when you first ask yourself “why” you’ll get a pretty shallow answer. For example we may ask ourselves:
“Why do we make videos”?
“Because it’s fun.”
“Why is it fun?”
“Because we get to be creative while helping others tell their stories.”
Now which one of those answers was more interesting and memorable to you as a viewer? The more we ask ourselves why, the juicer answer we get.
Secret 5: Use Advanced Techniques
So now that you’ve mastered the basics of storytelling and you have a good grip on what good storytelling is, it’s time to start implementing some advanced storytelling techniques. These will include things such as: How do you use suspense to tell your brandstory? How do you use the human body to the your brandstory? And finally how do you use multiple points of entry to get people hooked? You can explore storytelling from unlimited angles as you explore more advanced techniques.
The End
There you have it folks 5 secrets on how to tell your brand’s story. With these golden nuggets of knowledge, we draw our series to a close. We hope you learned something, whether it be how important your values, what it takes to be remembered, the value of “why?”, or maybe even just how to make a proper sandwich. Stories have been told and passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years. There’s a reason: they’re powerful. They have the capability to make us feel far beyond and deeper than we think we are capable of. Stories make us believe, make us act, and ultimately bring us joy. So go, tell your story, share your passion, and inspire someone.
If you still have questions about how to kick your story up a notch we’d love to help, give us a holler here.
Blueforest Studios is a Raleigh Video Production company dedicated to telling powerful brand stories.