Remembering Is Vital
Remembering is Vital! A video where Ammon, discusses the importance of being remembered in marketing.
So we’ve talked about storytelling but let’s dive a little deeper into the brand part, and start thinking more about the marketing side.
Problem Solving
So let’s start by putting ourselves in the shoes of your ideal customer. First of all your ideal customer is going to be someone who has a problem that you can offer a solution to. For example we here at Blueforest studios (an awesome Raleigh video production company), offer a solution to people who need help promoting their brands. You may sell laptops (solution) so your ideal customer will be someone who has a broken laptop (problem). When we tap into the psyche of a customer that is going through the process of choosing who/what product to be the solution to their problem, we have a better idea of how to most efficiently market ourselves to them. Let’s break down the steps a buyer might take while making this decision.
Step 1 What do I know?
As the buyer, the first thing they will turn to is “What do I already know? Who do I know instantly that can fix this issue? What do I remember?” It may be something they’ve heard on television, a company you’ve heard others talk highly of, or maybe even a company that’s just so unanimously know for its product people begin to view it as the product itself. (They’re called adhesive bandages people, Band-aid is a brand)
Step 2 What else is out there?
What else is out there? The next step is finding out what else is out there. Maybe you, as the buyer, could only think of one company and you’re not sure it’s the right one. What do you do next? Let’s face it, it’s 2019, 99% of us will end up Googling it.
Step 3 Recommendation from a friend
The third step is to ask around. What do the people I trust use, what’s their real life experience with this product? People believe the opinion of those around them more than a Google ad. The consumer will ask a friend who might be knowledgeable on this sort of thing or to verify if something they’ve discovered is worth the investment.
What do all of these steps have in common?
They all revolve around remembering! When it comes to the buyer remembering either what they know, remembering what they saw online or a store or remembering what a family member or close friend recommended. Your goal as the marketer is to think, “What can I do to make them remember me”
Marketing Materials
Your marketing materials should be based around the buyer remembering your brand. And the best way to do that is to say something unique that evokes an emotion from the consumer. The longer that the buyer remembers your commercial you have a big success with that brand marketing. Maybe the buyer will remember you two years down the road.
The Goal as the Marketer
Your goal as the marketer is not to have the flashiest style or just the right font. Your goal is to make them remember you. One of the best ways to do this is to tell your brand’s story, because that’s by far the most unique thing you have to offer. You as the marketer need to show what your company values and that your product or service is geared towards helping the buyer with their problem. To be the best solution out there, you have to connect with what’s most important to them. Your end goal is to have the buyer remember your company at the key point in the decision process. You need to have your company top of mind when the buyer has a problem or needs a product. By using marketing tools that evoke emotion, whether it be laughter: joy, sadness, or security, people will remember you based on how you made them feel.
Stay tuned for our next segment on storytelling 5 Secrets to Effective Brand Storytelling!
You can also check out our previous posts on our blog.
Blueforest Studios is a Raleigh Video Production company dedicated to telling powerful brand stories.